Dear all,
I hope you’ve had a great summer and are looking forward to the new hockey season. The membership costs for this year are mostly the same as last season, but extended the family and sibling discounts to apply to the Colts and Junior sections.
Adult members (over 18)
1. £300 one-off payment (membership + match fees)
2. £60 per month for 5 months (1st Oct, 1st Nov, 1st Dec, 1st Jan, 1st Feb)
3. £125 payment for membership with match fees @ £10 per match (e.g. playing 20 league or friendly matches = £325)
Student members (over 18s still in full time education)
1. £175 one off payment (membership + match fees)
2. £35 per month for 5 months (1st Oct, 1st Nov, 1st Dec, 1st Jan, 1st Feb)
3. £125 payment for membership with match fees @ £5 per match (e.g. playing 20 league or friendly matches = £225)
Junior members (aged 13 to 18, training and playing with Adults)
1. £175 one off payment (membership + match fees)
2. £35 per month for 5 months (1st Oct, 1st Nov, 1st Dec, 1st Jan, 1st Feb)
3. £125 payment for membership with match fees @ £5 per match (e.g. playing 20 league or friendly matches = £225)
Colt members (under 13)
1. £100 membership for the first child with match fees @ £5 per match
Family discounts: Colts and Juniors of full paying Adult club members get a £20 reduction per child.
Sibling discounts: second and third children get a £20 reduction per child.
Social members
1. Adults - £25 payment for membership with match fees @ £10 per match for a maximum of 5 matches and 5 training sessions
2. Students in full time education - £25 payment for membership with match fees @ £5 per match for a maximum of 5 matches and 5 training sessions
All ages are at the start of the season on 1st September.
Please note that the one-off payment option includes league matches and associated friendlies, but does not cover match fees for Cup games, Summer League, Mixed matches, O35 League and U16G matches. These will be subject to their own match fees which will be confirmed by the relevant captain/organiser.
New adult playing members in their first season with the club pay half price membership and full match fees.
Goalkeepers providing their own kit pay half price membership and half price match fees.
Fees should be paid by the 1st October.
Payments should be made into the club Bank account, the details of which are below:
Lloyds Bank
Account name: Chertsey Thames Valley Hockey Club
Type: Business
Account no: 01297962
Sort code: 30-94-42 (Lloyds)
Ref: Player Name + SUBS
As a club, we aim to support people who need a little financial help to make sure they can still play hockey. If you want to know more, please contact me ( or another member of the Committee in confidence.
Thanks, and good luck for the new season!
Mike Ralph